
[Jon Hoover]

We are so proud to announce the newest member of the Hoover family.  Little Jon was born just a few days before we did the shoot and was perfect all day long.  It's always fun to be around new babies, especially when they happen to belong to some of your best friends.  We have to thank Cole, Sarah, and Marlei for being great models for us and also to Erin Vournas for teaching us a few things about newborn photography.  Enjoy....  


  1. Beautiful baby boy! I've been waiting to see these! They turned out great...

  2. Thank you Gabe and Carin! These are beautiful and so nice to look at (20 times a day), since I can't be there in person!

  3. Anything for you Cindy! He is really beautiful and I am sure you're a great grandma! Next time you are in town, let us know so we can see you.
